Monday, December 17, 2012

What's cooking in the EDT kitchen? - December 17

EDT version 0.8.2 is nearly finished.  We're running extensive tests and fixing bugs.  Progress has slowed down a bit since many of us are taking time off for the holidays, but everything should be finished by the end of January.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What's cooking in the EDT kitchen? - December 4

We're working on the fourth milestone of the EDT 0.8.2 release.  Here's what we accomplished in the last week: 


  • Work continued on the bytes type.
  • More work was done to support classes.
  • We made a language design change to solve a problem related to assigning an array to a variable of a different type. When you write array as SomeType[], we'll create a copy of the array.  The as expression may be implicit, which happens when you assign one kind of array to another.
This is a fairly short list, but we also fixed many bugs.
