Friday, January 18, 2013

EDT 0.8.2 is available

I'm proud to announce EDT 0.8.2. Get it via the update function of Eclipse, or visit our download page for other installation options.

See what's new and noteworthy in this release.

We hope you will try it out. Let us know if you find any issues.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's cooking in the EDT kitchen? - January 8

We're making a few final updates to EDT 0.8.2.  We'll build a release candidate by the end of the week, and the final release build should be available a week after that.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What's cooking in the EDT kitchen? - January 2

Happy new year everyone.  Most of us EDT developers are back at work now.  We're running tests and fixing the bugs we find -- and we haven't found very many.
